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Special Project

Special Project
From the 10th Annual Shorty Awards

Bleach Like a Boss

Entered in Art Direction


Consumers are afraid of liquid bleach. And rightfully so. It splashes and damages, resulting in a category freefall as Millennials switch to bleach wipes and crystals.

To make matter worse, the liquid bleach category is boring and in need of a long-overdue shake-up. So combine the obstacles of fear, declining sales, and the category being a total snoozefest…how can a bleach solve that?

Meet CLORALEN Platinum Splash-Free Bleach Liquid Gel. A bleach innovation that dared to enter a declining category at a premium-price point with a goal to grow category sales and shift a negative consumer perception.

Strategy and Execution

Through research, we found an overwhelming number of consumers take special precautions to avoid bleach accidents. Donning a separate set of "junk" clothes and thick rubber gloves is common when using liquid bleach. Simply put, bleach is a bully, and it was winning.

CLORALEN Platinum provides total control so anyone can Bleach Like a Boss.

Bleach Like a Boss is grounded in a take-charge strategy that holds no prisoners. A provocative campaign threw down the gauntlet to hype the control consumers have with CLORALEN Platinum. Through bold visuals, inventive product demos, and even memes, CLORALEN stood out in a sterile category and showed that there is only one way you should be using bleach: Like A Boss.


The campaign reframed the consumer perception of liquid bleach and turned bleach skeptics into bleach bosses. The Bleach Like a Boss campaign helped CLORALEN increase its category dollar share by 21%.

Since launching our social channels in April '17, we garnered over 8.5 million impressions on Facebook and 1.5 million impressions on Instagram through the end of 2017. On Instagram, the campaign bolstered more than a 23% average engaged user rate.


Video for Bleach Like a Boss

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Cavalry, AlEn, USA


Entry Credits