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Special Project

Special Project
From the 3rd Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

Music is For life

Entered in PSA


Espouse the power of music making throughout the lifetime; to encourage more people to start and fewer to quit making music; across the United States.

Strategy and Execution

Our strategy was simple: to demonstrate music making ability at all ages, in a variety of common situations to negate the perception that music education and music making is only for one age set. The campaign was launched with the following components: broadcast :30 and :60 second commercial PSAs, an online version which has received over 52,000 views, or an average of 10,000 views per month; and an outdoor campaign in the top 20 markets in the US inclusive of billboards, bus shelters and other out of home components.

The video PSA was also distributed to NAMM's 10,400 member companies which represent millions of professionals in the music instrument, pro audio and event technology industry.

In an effort to engage NAMM's passionate social media following, the NAMM PR team recently launched the "Music is For Me" UGC campaign. The campaign uses a proprietary app to capture participants' thoughts of WHY and HOW they use music in their lives.


The video PSA is currently running in over 100 markets across the United States, and to date, has received 3,048,000 impressions in broadcast, with the top day part being the 5-9am hour; 52,000 views on YouTube and millions of impressions through NAMM's 500,000 unique followers across social media.

The out of home campaign has been seen by millions of people across the United States.

Results from the UGC campaign will be available in Winter 2018.


Video for Music is For life

Entrant Company / Organization Name

National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM)

Entry Credits