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Special Project

Special Project
From the 8th Annual Shorty Awards

Timberland 'Black Forest' Campaign 2015

Entered in Retail & E-Commerce


We were asked to create awareness and buzz around the upcoming Black Forest campaign with in the facebook community. To amplify and unite the BLACK FOREST and Wink TBL Glyphs through content.

The primary objective was to drive awareness and engagement within the newly launched Black forest campaign. With KPI's focusing on Post reach, Post Engagement (Likes, shares and comments and over all engagement rate. There were additional secondary objectives to drive referrals to the black forest blog content and retail pages driving sign up's for local in-store events.

Strategy and Execution

Each BLACK FOREST glyph is a visual representation of the TBL passion points. These passion points are the subject areas that TBL affiliate themselves with in order to cement their status as a lifestyle, rather than fashion, brand.

By treating each symbol as an overarching theme, we are able to amplify, contextualise and apply this graphic language and use it as a basis for our branded lifestyle content.


We wanted to use the Timberland glyphs to prompt and inspire editorial content. The content subjects were related to, and categorised by, one of the five overarching glyphs (Home, Family & Friends, Love, Adventure, Destination), and provide a literal example of each symbol. Content was culture and style focused, and seeked to unite the subjects that engaged our audience with the five glyph themes.


We created a suite of videos, images and long-form articles to sit on the Timberland blog, and become the content hub for the BLACK FOREST campaign. All the content was also seeded out on social channels to tease the launch and create ongoing awareness of the campaign. We linked in with in-store events and ran an online twitter campaign tweeting live from the events to keep the community informed about the launch and actively asking them to get involved.


Editorial content offers an original, engaging and worthwhile platform to showcase the BLACK FOREST collection. It elevates TBL beyond the realms of a standard fashion brand, and encourages the customer to recognise them as a lifestyle brand.


By giving our audience a literal example of what each glyph means, and showing them how they might apply this new visual language, we are able to bring the glyphs to life and ensures our audience has a clear understanding of the concept from the very start of the campaign. This then linked into the in-store creative and ATL and PR messaging.


The campaign was executed across a number of platforms and brought together digital, social, video and in store events to help promote and ignite the collection. Timberlands communication of new launches had been disjointed and working with the partner agencies across 5 European countries allowed us to really create a cohesive joined up campaign

blog visits up 355% MOM

return visits up 344% MOM

click through from retail to blog 16,549 1.1% CTR

highest number of post engagements since feb this year

reach grew 191.7%

total follower up on twitter 75.6% MOM

net followers grew on Instagram 2.2K (4 month high)

facebook shows an 84% response rate, with a response time of 22 minutes as of 23rd October


Video for Timberland 'Black Forest' Campaign 2015

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Mediablaze Group Ltd, Timberland EMEA


Entry Credits