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30 Seconds of Baby Animals

Entered in Video Series


National Geographic’s “30 Seconds of Baby Animals” series shares heart-warming clips of adorable baby animals from across the globe that are featured in our vast programming library. These videos are recut into engaging, sharable videos for Instagram and TikTok.



We produce new versions of “30 Seconds of Baby Animals” monthly pulling footage exclusively from National Geographic shows available on Disney+. We share these videos on our National Geographic Animals and National Geographic brand accounts to amplify their reach and engage with audiences who have an affinity for soothing animal content. Throughout the course of this series, we’ve learned from audience reaction and engagement what moments should be prioritized in these clips and which animals to feature. Fans love playful moments between animal siblings, funny moments of baby animals finding their footing in their world, and snuggly moments among families. This series offers our followers a moment to stop, relax, and enjoy social media through light-hearted content with broad appeal.



Throughout 2024, “30 Seconds of Baby Animals” over-indexed in engagement compared to other social video seies. This series is a favorite among fans and is a low-lift way to showcase National Geographics catalog of programming. Regardless of the subject matter of a “30 Seconds of Baby Animals” post, followers show their excitement to watch (and rewatch) heartfelt moments found in the animal kingdom.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

National Geographic


Entry Credits