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AstraZeneca’s LYNPARZA® Healthcare Provider Reddit Takeovers, a Pharma First Activation

Entered in Other Platform


AstraZeneca challenged CMI Media Group to come up with innovative opportunities to capitalize on high-impact placements and amplify brand messaging during key timeframes for Lynparza® (olaparib), an oral medication for certain types of cancer.

CMI Media Group’s Paid Social team recommended a campaign that would reach Healthcare Providers (HCPs) in a novel way, capitalizing on the growing HCP presence on Reddit (6.2M+). The agency’s specific goals were to increase brand visibility and awareness for LYNPARZA within the Health and Wellness community during key timeframes for two indications: Ovarian and Breast Cancer. For Ovarian Cancer, the goal was to heighten key LYNPARZA messaging immediately following a competitor data readout. For Breast Cancer, the objective was to maximize awareness of the LYNPARZA early Breast Cancer indication during Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM).

The Ovarian Takeover was a Pharma First as it was the first takeover on Reddit targeted toward the HCP audience. It was LYNPARZA’s first takeover activation on the platform as well. This presented a unique opportunity for LYNPARZA to be the first ad seen across top communities and to test the effectiveness of this high-impact approach in reaching a highly engaged professional audience.


CMI Media Group partnered with the LYNPARZA brand team and Reddit to execute two 24-hour Category Takeovers. The Ovarian Cancer takeover launched on September 15, immediately following a competitor announcement, while the Breast Cancer takeover launched on October 3 during BCAM. This timing was crucial for maximizing impact and relevance. The takeover strategy included multiple creative placements: promoted posts, top banner, right-side banner, and conversation placements, ensuring maximum visibility. Existing creative assets were leveraged for the Ovarian Cancer takeover to minimize workload, while new BCAM-specific creative was developed for the Breast Cancer takeover. A key challenge was the "first-come, first-served" nature of Reddit Takeovers, requiring proactive planning and close collaboration with Reddit to secure desired dates. Targeting focused on top communities within the Health and Wellness category, ensuring broad reach to receive maximum exposures during these key times.


Both takeovers significantly exceeded expectations. The Ovarian Cancer takeover generated over 680k added-value impressions, while the Breast Cancer takeover delivered over 472k. Both campaigns exceeded the click-through rate (CTR) benchmark by 100%, demonstrating strong HCP engagement with the LYNPARZA messaging, regardless of indication/tumor type. Along with the success of in-platform KPIs, we saw a significant increase in QVR on the LYNPARZA website during each Takeover compared to Reddit’s average, demonstrating the effectiveness at reaching and engaging a relevant HCP audience. The success of these takeovers highlights the effectiveness of this innovative approach in reaching HCPs on Reddit. It proved the value of utilizing a non-traditional platform to deliver targeted messaging during critical timeframes, resulting in increased brand visibility and awareness within the Health and Wellness community. This campaign sets a precedent for future pharma initiatives on Reddit and underscores the platform's potential for HCP engagement.

The Ovarian Takeover generated:
- 1.58M total impressions
- 4k clicks
- 0.25% CTR (108% higher than benchmark)

The Breast Takeover resulted in:
- 1.77M total impressions
- 4.2k clicks
- 0.24% CTR (100% higher than benchmark)


Entrant Company / Organization Name

CMI Media Group, AstraZeneca, TBWA\WORLDHEALTH


Entry Credits