People take predictability for granted. But really, there’s nothing more delicious than things we can count on. Ore-Ida went out into the world to champion all of life’s wonderful certainties that we know, but never stop or appreciate.
Ore-Ida, known for their frozen potato products like fries and tater tots, released a campaign celebrating the “Deliciously Predictable” nature of their product and came to Reddit looking to engage with their audience.
Recognizing Reddit for its opinionated users and their desire to share their thoughts about advertising on Reddit, Ore-Ida tailored their “Deliciously Predictable” creative platform to “egg on” redditors to show just how predictable redditors will be when you leave comments on.
Ads on Reddit default to comments-off for this very reason of users getting snarky in the comments, but since we predicted that would happen, we turned on comments for our Ore-Ida ad and encouraged Reddit to do their thing below our ad. Redditors loved the clever insight into their behavior and commended the brand for their bravery.
The Ore-Ida “Deliciously Predictable Redditors” Engagement Prompt got Reddit talking by anticipating redditor action and used these predictions to embody the brand idea in the ad itself. The brand accomplished their goal for user engagement and was able to demonstrate their creative campaign platform natively through Reddit’s user behavior.