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From the 1st Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

The Erase Hunger Project

Winner in Health & Fitness

Finalist in Pro Bono, Poverty & Hunger

Entered in Integrated Campaign


In a city of more than 1.4 people facing little or no food each day, hunger pops everywhere in New York. So we decided to help change that.

Strategy and Execution

Introducing the Erase Hunger Project. A pop-up designed to be displayed at food fairs and open-air markets. Any place where people are hungry.

Made up of free packets of eating utensils, the pop-up invites people to grab one to eat their snack, lunch or dinner.

But that's not all. On the back of each packet is a card that instructs the same people to share with the hungry and homeless living on the street. The card lists the time and place when delicious food is given out at Crossroads Community, a local soup kitchen and food pantry.

After having the pop-up appear in open-air markets, parks and street fairs through New York City, we created a film about the project and posted it online. Plus, created social media posting to create buzz about our cause.


Over a four-month period, social engagement on Facebook increased 150%. Plus, we saw a 25% increase in people being fed at Crossroad Community. The project started to unite the community to help erase hunger.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, Crossroads Community


Entry Credits