The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!
From the 9th Annual Shorty Awards

"It's a Nurse" Video

Finalist in Health & Fitness


As a large organization, Health First is always looking for unique ways to recognize its employees.

In 2014, we created "Integrated Delivery Network Month" at Health First to honor our associates each May. This year, we decided to do something special to recognize our hard-working nurses.

Earlier this year, we received a letter from Kathy Taylor, a mother who had lost her son, Cory, at one of our hospitals in October 2015. He had an addiction problem and passed away from heart failure. She wrote a letter and mailed it to the nurses who helped her son. Once received, it was suggested to read the letter at a leadership meeting, but the Marketing & Communications team read the letter and decided we needed to do more. To honor our nurses and the work they do every day, we decided to make a video, using photos of our nurses as the visual and the words this mother wrote to us in her letter as the audio.

Our goals for this project were:

1.) To create a powerful informational video for our nurses and obtain 5,000 video views (we have 2,100 nurses)

2. )To generate social media buzz for the video by garnering 500 shares of the video on Facebook

3.) To obtain one local media story from this effort

4.) Create camaraderie and boost morale among nurses internally

Strategy and Execution

Our strategy was to create a video that would remind our nurses just how special they are—and hopefully generate some external attention as well.

Our tactics included creating a video for our nurses, creating a web page for the video, making DVD copies of the video for nurses, distributing an email to share the web page link and pitch a story to the local media.



Entrant Company / Organization Name

Health First


Entry Credits