In the summer of 2023, Netflix launched One Piece, a live-action adaptation of the legendary manga/anime by Eiichiro Oda. Working with our partners at Netflix, our goal was to create a high-impact digital campaign and must-follow brand channels that convinced hesitant fans around the globe to climb aboard for this unique and groundbreaking live-action adventure.
The announcement of a live-action One Piece was initially met with skepticism from fans. They doubted the authenticity and creative intentions of the adaptation. Our campaign immediately aimed to alleviate those concerns by showcasing our natural and infectious fandom for the property. We employed a highly active community management approach which positioned the brand as a vocal and knowledgeable fan of One Piece.
Next, we introduced the world to the incredible cast, reassuring everyone that our actors were the perfect choice to play the beloved Straw Hats. Throughout the campaign, we incorporated the reclusive creator of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda, at every stage. From personal letters to secret appearances, his seal of approval and involvement in the live-action One Piece convinced fans that this series was worth getting excited about!
Our campaign transformed the conversation surrounding One Piece, with the sentiment shifting from 90% negative to 90% positive. Over the course of the campaign, we gained over 4 million followers across our official accounts and generated billions of impressions.
One Piece captured the zeitgeist and truly owned the moment. The series launched to immense praise from fans and a record-breaking season 2 renewal from Netflix.