Zillow’s most recent campaign captured the least affordable housing market on record in a bottle. Instead of turning a blind eye to the challenges facing first time home buyers, Zillow addressed them head on, warts and all. But, that didn’t mean it gave in to the doom and gloom. Instead, Zillow offered much needed hope by showing the path towards home with its campaign, Home Just Got Real. This is perhaps best exemplified by the anthem film, Journey Home, in which we follow a first time home buyer and her daughter along the ups and downs of homebuying. All along, Zillow is at their side helping them through the good and bad. The story finally culminates with the final and ultimate triumph of turning home into a reality–a success equally shared by Zillow and the FTHB.
Prove that despite seemingly insurmountable odds, there are FTHBs making home a reality–all with the help of Zillow.
Our Home Just Got Real platform empathetically acknowledged the struggles of our FTHBs–while simultaneously celebrating their creativity, tenacity and grit to make home a reality.
Our anthem film, Journey Home, portrays the very real ups and downs along the home buying journey. All throughout, Zillow is at the side of our FTHB, helping her and her daughter through the good and bad. The story finally culminates with the final and ultimate triumph of turning home into a reality–a success equally shared by Zillow and the FTHB.
Our approach clearly worked as we blew past our ambitious targets for both site visits and down-funnel actions for the first half of the year even against the backdrop of a stubbornly difficult macroeconomic environment.