For many people, the biggest challenge is getting that great idea in your head down on paper. Whisk is an image generation tool made by Google Labs to help anyone explore their creativity and shape their ideas with AI, but users often feel overwhelmed in the face of endless possibilities. To show how easy it is to reimagine your ideas with Whisk, our launch video finds a balance between demonstrating the product and tapping into the joy of the creative process.
We were tasked with building out a narrative before the product had any finalized branding or UI, but what we did know was that you could provide different references for the subject, scene, and style of any image you generate with Whisk. Whisk aims to make creative expression more accessible to everyone, but creativity needs inspiration in tandem with access to the right tools. We needed to present users with a good reason to start experimenting, so we got to prompting, collecting a variety of examples to shuffle through at every step. The idea was to provide enough inspirational kindling for any spark of the user’s imagination. This also gave the viewer an idea of how far they could push their own prompts, whether by uploading their own images or rolling the dice to randomize one.
As the product was finalized, the list of features available to the user grew even longer. We were initially tasked with animating a 20-second spot, but had to triple the length of our video to include them all. We used kinetic type, bold colors, and gradients to pull attention from one part of the product into the next, emphasizing each feature without dragging out the narrative. 3D assets were animated to punctuate each step with energy and intention. Custom SFX were brought in to add familiar and tactile sounds that invoke that feeling of crafting something just for the sake of creative expression. In the end, we wanted to find that balance between the human imagination and the digital assistance that can empower it further.
The result was a 50-second video for social that captures the flow of the creative process in a new and exciting way, garnering over 800,000 social media impressions and earning a reputation as one of the most engaging and user-friendly generative AI tools to launch that year. Influencers in the tech circuit praised the product on a global scale, sparking discussion about the future of image prompting and uploading tutorials to help other users. By taking away some of the obstacles that prevent people from drafting their ideas, creativity becomes a more accessible pursuit for everyone. Helping people work beyond challenges like lack of time or materials allows any user in the space to visualize their ideas, extending the opportunity for anyone to prompt less and play more.