The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 8th Annual Shorty Awards

Periscoper Of The Year

Entered in Live Streaming Video


The objective of Actor's Scope is to be able to provide, anyone who is in the entertainment industry or want to be, tips,and insight on what's going on in the film industry both nationally and internationally. This show is for any and all industry professionals both in front of ( actors & actresses) and behind the scenes ( directors, producers, writers, and crew) . Our goal is to be able to reach as many viewers as possible so that they are able to get as much knowledge about the film industry as possible from a 27 year veteran of the film industry our host Winsome Sinclair.

Strategy and Execution

Social media is the most useful outlet to reach people these days. Our strategy with gaining viewers is to broadcast and post on all social media outlets as possible about the show. We have a vimeo video drop that goes out on all social media, flyers, word of mouth, and just postings about the show in general , past shows and inviting new comers to watch our new shows. The social media outlets that we use to broadcast are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & Snapchat. We also use consistency as part of our overall strategy . We air the same time every week (1pm EST) so our audience doesn't have to wonder where to find us.. And its easy to remember when they share with others to view.. . Lastly we bring on guests that are both engaging and popular and we give them the tools to market and promote their appearance on the show and thusly invite their social media followers to tune in and view them live.. We also make sure that we keep the show interactive to engage our audience further.. We take questions from the audience as well as have contests and award prizes to our winners... Our goal is to INFORM & ENTERTAIN and in exchange for the time you take to view and share our show we promise you that Actors Scope ..will be " The best 30 minutes of your week"


This show has really given different industry professionals a voice! Plenty of actors, directors, and other professionals watch our show every week wanting more insight on the industry they love and participate in . Our viewership has more than doubled and tripled from when we first started. We are literally the little engine that could.. This show has caught on and grown beyond our wildest dreams.. We have die hard followers that have been with us since day one.


Video for Periscoper Of The Year

Entrant Company / Organization Name

WSA International, Winsome Sinclair & Donald Jarmond
