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Dawn Meet the Ducks

Entered in Branded Content, Social Good Campaign


Dawn does powerful work—both inside the kitchen sink and in the world. To date, America’s best selling dish soap has helped more than 75,000 animals affected by oil pollution. 

In 2024, we were asked to amplify this impact and build a stronger connection between Dawn and the ducks it provides aid to worldwide. That’s when we brought in an A-List celebrity to help us spread the word. Enter Jennifer Sudson 🧼.


Comedy. Celebrity talent. Wildlife. Ducks! In Dawn Meet the Ducks, all these elements come together in a playful yet impactful way.

To raise awareness of Dawn’s efforts to save the wildlife alongside International Bird Rescue, we created branded content for multiple channels featuring award-winning singer, actress, producer, and talk-show host Jennifer Hudson, who also happens to be a busy mom, hallucinating Dawn Soap’s ducklings, while tackling a mountain of dirty dishes. 

Our content begins with Jennifer getting a call from her publicist about how IBR has been using Dawn to safely remove every drop of oil from a bird’s feathers, saying that this could be the next big story for The Jennifer Hudson Show. From the moment Jennifer agrees, she starts seeing the Dawn Ducklings from her product bottle—on her kitchen counter, on her grand piano, and in her backyard while she’s working out. They’re super cute, and they talk too! In the end, she discovers that it was all a daydream—or, well, was it? We may never know. 🦆

Jennifer Hudson/Sudson and the ducks were everywhere. Our content appeared on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and even TV. We also got a special shoutout from Jennifer on Insta FTW. 

What’s more, the campaign acted as a call to action for wildlife conservation. For a limited time, shoppers could visit to download a $1 coupon off Dawn Platinum EZ-Squeeze. For every coupon used, Dawn donated $1 to the International Bird Rescue, raising an additional $100,000 dollars.


In the end, and with the help of our A-List talent, we showcased Dawn’s grease-fighting product and highlighted their history of saving the wildlife with International Bird Rescue, all while encouraging people to click and learn how they could contribute from home.


Entrant Company / Organization Name

Sawhorse Productions, Dawn® Dishwashing Products


Entry Credits