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Special Project

Special Project
From the 8th Annual Shorty Awards

What Perfect Feels Like

Entered in Integrated Campaign, Video


Even though the HVAC system is the most important appliance in a home, it frequently goes unnoticed. It sits on the side of the house and is forgotten about until something bad happens. Simply put, it's not as much as a priority as it deserves to be. The goal of this campaign was to maintain Lennox brand visibility, raise interest in Lennox HVAC and separate it from the competition. Additionally, we aimed to build awareness of promotional rebates, offers and tax incentives and promote product innovation and new products in the name of energy efficiency and savings.

We did this by creating a comprehensive media plan across TV, print and digital. For TV and print mediums, awareness was measured in impressions, TRPs and reach of the target audience. For digital media, awareness was measured through click through rate of the banners, views on the videos and engagement rate on custom content.

Strategy and Execution

Showing what perfect feels like isn't easy. Fortunately, we're not just innovative in how we create the perfect system; we're also innovative in how we show you our promise in a way that no one else has been able to. This led us to the world's art community, because art illustrates ideas that are often hard to visualize. By partnering with the art community, we now have the tools to express to the world what perfect means. Now when anyone wonders what perfect feels like, we'll show them.

Art is a big part of this campaign, and it will be for years to come. To capitalize on this and make sure the campaign reaches as many people as possible, we tagged all of our communication with #lennoxartproject. This hashtag acts as a hub to showcase our partnership with the art community and to immerse viewers in our brand's creative problem solving.

Lennox is changing the conversation about HVAC's place in the home by impressing upon consumers the tremendous difference that a Lennox HVAC system can make in their home when compared to the other high profile appliances and systems that our consumers covet.

In doing so, Lennox considered multiple media channels when producing the work. For example, the murals from the print production shoot became the animated heroes of the TV production. Lennox also captured copious amounts of behind-the-scenes footage (video and stills) to fuel the need for social media content and digital creative, surrounding our target market with compelling campaign creative from many directions. Video was at the cornerstone of the content produced and was used across TV, online video pre-roll, mobile rich media and social video. Formats were developed to fit across various digital channels: :30/:15 TV commercials used for pre-roll placements, long-form behind-the-scenes videos used on Facebook and :15 behind-the-scenes videos on Instagram and video networks using social targeting.

To further amplify the message, Lennox partnered with influential bloggers to write blog posts reacting to the new content and sharing the promotion details with their audience. The posts were then distributed across their social channels for added reach and engagement. The positive response and engagement from the bloggers and their followers added to the momentum of #lennoxartproject.


Overall this integrated campaign performed extremely well across mediums and outperformed benchmarks. In the digital space, with our banners and video, we were able to measure performance in more granularity, and we saw great success. Metrics from the campaign are outlined below.

Cable TV achieved 87 targeted rating points and sports TV programming achieved 58 targeted rating points, 26% above goal. We were also able to negotiate $69K in added value.

We achieved 136 million print impressions across two publications.

Digital banners achieved a 0.22% CTR—2.75x above the industry average CTR

Mobile banners achieved a 0.5% CTR showing our target is highly engaged on mobile.

The TV commercials that were served through online video received nearly 23 million views and achieved an overall 0.18% CTR. With one video partner we saw a video CTR of 18%, practically unheard of in the video space.

The long-form behind-the-scenes video Facebook ads received an avg. 6% engagement rate, well above the 2-4% post engagement rate benchmark.

Our custom, high-impact mobile rich media banners achieved a 1% CTR and a 1.28% engagement rate, well above average.

We ran brand lift studies with three of our digital partners and saw an increase in aided awareness and purchase consideration.

The blogger outreach garnered 40 blog posts, over 3,400 blog post engagements and 10MM in blog and social reach.


Video for What Perfect Feels Like

Entrant Company / Organization Name

GSD&M, Lennox Industries, Inc


Entry Credits