Women represent only 19% of chefs, and 7% of head chefs, across the culinary world. Beyond that, women chefs earn 28% less in base pay than their male counterparts.
Grubhub recognized these issues and saw the need for serious change. So we started RestaurantHER to champion and support restaurants, and raise awareness about inequality in the restaurant industry and help change things for the better.
Leverage our leadership position to activate both sides of the marketplace to move the industry forward:
DINERS: Encourage diners to support women-led restaurants during the month of March, and in doing so, raise awareness and donate funds to address the gender gap.
RESTAURANTS: Mobilize culinary leaders to join our pledge for progress in 2018.
100k+ consumer pledges to order from a woman-led restaurant during the month of March.
400+ restaurant pledges to lead the industry forward.
$100k donated to Women Chefs & Restaurateurs.
277 earned media stories in 120+ markets.
993 uses of #RestaurantHER on social media.